Monday, September 12, 2016


Managing your photos can be a challenge. This week in The Den we are going to help you to meet this challenge.
We will help you to:

  • embed folders of photos on your site
  • create a video slideshow with music
  • add photos to a looping presentation
  • have photos upload directly to Drive & Google Photos
  • create slideshow movies on your phone or iPad

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Virtual Learning

The return of the haze was an unfortunate reminder that we that we need to be prepared for an unexpected school closure. Our goal is that in the case of a school closure we are able to continue to make progress toward our learning goals even though the students are not present on campus. 

Most teams collaborated to create a Google Slide show with all of the information that parents and students would need to continue learning at home while the school was closed. The grade 5 example is a model that was very successful. I recommend that all teams spend some time in their next team meeting to set up a template for this year, so that we are ready. Last October when we had our first and only virtual learning day, we received a great deal of praise from parents on how we handled the closure. I credit our faculty's professionalism and preparation for this well deserved praise.

Julie Olson, ES Principal
As most of you remember, last year ISKL adopted a Virtual Learning Guide that outlines the expectations for teachers in case of school closure. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this document, and also the ES Virtual Learning Guide for Students and Parents & the ES Virtual Learning Guide for Teachers & Administrators

The EduTech team will have virtual learning support sessions in The Den this week on Wednesday and Friday. The EduTech, Curriculum, and Admin teams are here to support you in preparing for virtual learning at Melawati. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions or voice your concerns.